Once you obtain your certification, ArabCOPM offers programs and services to help you understand what is needed to maintain your credential and to guide you through that process. Once you are a certification holder, you need to adhere to ArabCOPM’s continuing certification requirements. To follow the program, participate in professional development activities to earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) and maintain your certification.

Continuing Certification Requirements

Once you are a certification holder, you need to adhere to ArabCOPM's continuing certification requirements. To follow the program, participate in professional development activities to earn professional development units (PDUs) and maintain your certification.

Follow the below links to learn how to maintain your Arab COPM Certification

Certification Specific Requirements

Every certification requires a specific amount of PDUs per three-year certification cycle. Since the requirements are different for each certification, visit their respective pages to find out more:

Report PDUs

Report your activities, claim PDUs, and get credit for your work to stay involved in your career and professional certification.